Friday, March 15, 2013

CUE Conference: Day 2 Highlights

Greetings Apples,

My brain is on overload right now, so I am just going to give you a list of great (and mostly free!) websites I learned about today. Some of these are well-known, but others I hadn't heard of yet.

Edmodo - classroom social media site / classroom website
Khan Academy - academic tutorials
Education Place - e-manipulatives, games, glossary, and graphic organizers
Sync.In - student collaboration tool
Quizlet - interactive flashcards
Study Jams - short, interactive video lessons on a variety of topics
A Maths Dictionary for Kids - an animated, interactive online math dictionary
Apperson Prep on YouTube - educational math videos (in the same vein as BrainPOP, Max and Morty teach you math.)
Math Train - same idea as the Khan Academy videos, but they are student-created by kids at a school in Santa Monica.
Math TV - math tutorial videos
That Quiz - math test activities

We also watched some great stuff about how to teach keyboarding to elementary school students to prepare them for the Common Core shift. That presenter recommended Micro Type as a tool for effectively teaching keyboarding.

I also saw another great 6th grade teacher from SDUSD present about incorporating technology into her math class. She had the brilliant idea to use Google Earth for teaching geometry, area and perimeter. Her students located their school on the app, studied it from a bird's eye view, outlined geometric shapes they observed, and used the ruler in the Google Earth app to measure the sides of buildings to figure perimeter and area.

Miss H.

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