Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Germ Factor

Greetings Apples,

One of the worst parts of teaching (Yes, we get summers off, but there are downsides to the job, too...) are the constant germs floating around in the classroom. I hear veteran teachers talking about having built an "immunity" to cold viruses over the years, but that has yet to happen for me. I certainly get sick fewer times throughout the year than when I began teaching, but I do definitely still get taken down by the little green Mucinex man every now and again.

We're barely into the start of the school year, and I already have my first cold. Surprisingly though, I can't blame my students for this one...I caught this bug from cuddling with my sweet (and sick) nephews on Friday afternoon. It was too hard to turn down pjs, Toy Story 2, and a cuddle after a long week, and now I'm paying for it!

So, for now, I continue to live on a diet of Vitamin C, Advil and water until I'm back on my feet again.

Miss H.

1 comment:

  1. Boo!! Rest up and feel better soon! I better knock on wood after reading your post! ;)
